In 1984, 13-year-old Donny Berger begins a relationship with his teacher, Mary McGarricle, resulting in pregnancy and her imprisonment. In 2012, Donny, now a broke alcoholic slacker, discovers he owes back-taxes and must organize a reunion with Todd and Mary for a TV show. Donny arrives at Todd's wedding and tries to convince him to participate, causing conflict and revealing the truth about his past. Despite the chaos, Todd ultimately confronts the truth, breaks up with his fiancé, and accepts Donny as his father.
Kenny, an Australian plumber, navigates through various hilarious incidents while dealing with family relationships and his career. This mockumentary-style film provides a satirical take on Australian culture.
The Baxter is a romantic comedy film directed by Michael Showalter, starring Michael Showalter, Elizabeth Banks, and Michelle Williams. The story follows Elliot, a man who always gets left at the altar. When he meets a new woman, he is determined to make their relationship work, but his past starts to catch up with him. With the wedding approaching, Elliot must confront his fear of commitment and decide what he really wants.
A gay love story set in a one-bedroom apartment in Tel Aviv. They meet, they have sex, they fall in love. Will it last until the morning comes?
Dusty is convinced he has a terrible new ability.
A comedic, dramatic day in the lives of employees and patients at a venereal disease clinic.
Donald and his nephews are litterbugs: they drop garbage everywhere they go - even when they are out for a drive in Donald's car - until they are stopped by a policeman who makes them pick up everything they have dropped.
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