Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom is an animated short film that follows the comedic journey of a music teacher as he educates his students about the history of music. Through various animated sequences, the film explores different musical instruments, orchestras, and music genres. The teacher encounters humorous situations and engages in a mix of singing, dancing, and playing music to teach his students. The film combines educational elements with comedy and music to create an entertaining and informative experience for viewers.
Bob Hope stars as an inept member of the chorus boy in a turn of the century stage show. After being fired, he finds himself starring acting as a decoy when a killer goes after the real star.
The entire Disney menagerie appears in a parade urging the purchase of war bonds.
A world famous conductor suffers while leading a mediocre orchestra.
Big Top Bunny is a Merrie Melodies short film featuring Bugs Bunny and a circus bear. The rabbit and bear engage in a series of humorous and competitive acts, including trapeze stunts, cannon shots, and high-diving. The film showcases their one-upmanship and comedic rivalry, with surreal and comedic elements added to the mix.
Romantic rivalries between father and son enrolled at the same college.
Roland is a flower child; Rattfink is "a weed." Roland keeps growing, picking, and sniffing flowers; Rattfink keeps attacking Roland, but the attacks either fail or backfire. Among the gags: As Roland plays the harp, Rattfink tries to discourage him by drumming. When that fails, he inverts the drum to reveal a beehive; the bees attack, the harp strings send Roland back into a fountain, and the bee-stung Roland still presents Rattfink with a flower. Rattfink air-drops a bag of flour on Roland; the resulting cloud of flour engulfs RF's plane, and he crashes into a building. Finally, Roland is in a jam session; Rattfink paints a can of nitroglycerine to look like a drum, but slips on a banana peel and explodes. Roland puts a flower on his grave; Rattfink's ghost hurls it at Roland.
The Last Goon Show of All is a comedy movie that showcases the hilarious antics of The Goons, a beloved comedy troupe. The film is a satirical and irreverent look at various pop culture references, with plenty of one-liners, sketches, and songs. Filled with running gags and absurdism, this comedy is sure to entertain fans of The Goons and anyone who appreciates clever and hilarious humor.
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