Seven Days is a sci-fi TV show that follows the story of a top-secret government organization known as the Backstep Project. The project has developed a time machine, allowing them to send a special forces operative back in time for a period of seven days. The operative's mission is to prevent catastrophic events from taking place, altering history in the process. The show explores themes of time travel, alternate history, and the consequences of changing the past. Set during the Cold War era, Seven Days takes viewers on thrilling adventures as the team races against the clock to save the world.
In a world where time travel is possible, a temporal agent is on a mission to apprehend a notorious terrorist known as the 'Fizzle Bomber'. As the agent chases after the criminal throughout different time periods, he embarks on a unique journey that delves into the complexities of love, destiny, and the consequences of altering the past. The agent discovers shocking truths about his own identity and is faced with the ultimate decision that could change the course of time. This mind-bending, suspenseful thriller explores the boundaries of time travel and the power of human connection.
In a 21st-century alternate reality, a time-travel agency enforces the law against unauthorized time travel. A superhero agent must navigate the complexities of time travel and protect the timeline from criminals and those seeking to alter history.
While having drinks in their local pub, a group of friends discover a time travel portal in the closet under the stairs. As they embark on a journey through time, they encounter various adventures, including encounters with dinosaurs and future versions of themselves. Through their experiences, they learn valuable lessons about friendship and the consequences of time travel.
A reporter investigates a series of disasters and uncovers a conspiracy involving time travel. As he delves deeper, he finds himself in a race against time to stop a catastrophic event from occurring.
In the year 2025, Time Enforcement Commission agent Ryan Chang must travel back in time to prevent the Nazi regime from obtaining a time machine and altering history. With the help of a pocket watch that allows him to travel through time, Ryan navigates through different eras, including the Old West and Nazi Germany, to stop the villainous plot. Along the way, he faces disco-loving henchmen, historic figures like Adolf Hitler, and discovers a parallel world where the Nazis succeeded. As Ryan fights to restore the timeline, he must confront his own personal demons and make difficult choices that will determine the future.
In 'Rewind', a team of agents from a time-travel agency must go back in time to prevent a catastrophic event that could change the course of history. As they navigate through different eras, they face various challenges and encounter unexpected twists. With the future at stake, the team must use their expertise and resources to ensure the timeline stays intact.
A man travels back in time to force his 10 year old self to learn guitar, so that he can get more action with the ladies in the present day.
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