Successive Slidings of Pleasure is a surreal and avant-garde crime thriller that explores themes of horror, lesbianism, and eroticism. The story revolves around a nameless character who is accused of murder and finds herself trapped in an insane asylum. As the plot unfolds, the audience is taken on a journey through a series of bizarre and twisted events, including scenes of lesbian necrophilia, body painting, and the disassembly of a mannequin. With its daring and unconventional approach, Successive Slidings of Pleasure pushes the boundaries of traditional storytelling and challenges societal norms.
In the small town of Devonsville, a vengeful witch seeks revenge on the descendants of those who wronged her. As people start disappearing and strange occurrences happen, a brave group of locals must uncover the truth and put an end to the curse before it destroys them all.
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