Super Dark Times is a coming-of-age drama set in upstate New York in the 1990s. When a tragic accident occurs, a group of high school friends find themselves caught up in a spiral of guilt, paranoia, and violence. As secrets are revealed and tensions rise, their friendship and innocence are put to the ultimate test.
A young girl discovers a reel of film that brings her closer to her father, a former projectionist. As they watch the film together, they embark on a journey of love and understanding, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. Through the power of cinema, they learn to appreciate the beauty of life and the importance of family.
Fool's Day is a dark comedy short film that follows a young boy's April Fools prank on his teacher, which goes horribly wrong. The prank involves placing laxatives in the teacher's coffee, resulting in an explosion that causes the teacher's head to explode. The students panic, scream, and try to clean up the mess while dealing with the consequences of their prank. The dark humor of the film comes from the unexpected and bizarre events that unfold, including vomiting, fainting, and a dead body.
A man is found cheating by his partner and, among other things, revenge is extracted. A short film directed by Laurent Boutonnat.
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