In 'Pokémon: The First Movie (1998)', a group of trainers embark on a journey to save the world from the powerful clone Pokemon, Mewtwo, who seeks revenge on his creators. Along the way, they learn about the value of friendship and forgiveness.
Two teenage girls, Claire and Hailey, discover a mermaid named Aquamarine in the swimming pool of their beach club. Aquamarine seeks their help in finding true love so she can avoid an arranged marriage. The girls disguise Aquamarine as a human to help her attract the attention of a lifeguard named Raymond. As the girls navigate through teenage crushes, friendship, and growing up, they learn valuable lessons about love and self-discovery.
Garden Party (2008) follows a group of teenagers as they attend a chaotic garden party. Love, relationships, and personal struggles unfold amidst the wild atmosphere.
When two brothers move to a small town, they discover a mysterious hole in the basement that unleashes their greatest fears. As they struggle to survive, they must confront their own family relationships and face the horrors that lurk beyond the trapdoor.
The Cure is a comedic short film that takes place at a health spa. The film follows the misadventures of an unnamed protagonist who is an alcoholic. As he tries to recover from his addiction, he gets into various comedic situations, such as getting his head stuck in a door and falling into a pool.
During a pajama party, a group of teenagers find themselves caught up in a Martian invasion. With the help of a friendly alien, they must try to stop the invaders and save the world.
Irreconcilable Differences tells the story of a young girl who seeks emancipation from her selfish parents. Told in flashbacks, it explores the tumultuous relationship between her philandering father and self-absorbed mother. Set in the 1970s and 1980s, the film delves into themes of divorce, adultery, and the price of fame. With the help of a maid and a filmmaker friend, the little girl navigates the challenges of growing up in a dysfunctional household.
In the summer of 1980, a successful yuppie faces an existential crisis when a nosferatic ghoul joins his social circle and undermines his social status.
A labor party leader is having an affair with the opposing party's secretary. Unfortunately for them, there seems to be a corpse in their hotel room just as they managed to sneak in unnoticed.
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