In Paris, a seductive woman named Jeanne discovers her past lives through sexual encounters. She explores her desires and searches for meaning, leading to a journey of self-discovery and self-fulfillment. However, her exploration also involves manipulation and seduction, as she uses her powers to control and influence those around her. As she delves deeper into her past, she confronts the consequences of her actions and the complexities of her own identity.
In Dinocroc vs. Supergator, a giant crocodile and a super-sized alligator escape from a research laboratory, causing chaos and destruction wherever they go. As they roam the land, they eventually come face to face and engage in a monumental fight for survival. This action-packed movie combines horror, sci-fi, and thriller elements to deliver an exciting and adrenaline-pumping experience.
The U.S. Navy selects from its ranks a small group of persons to send through unadulterated hell.
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