Forbidden Zone is a surreal and absurd comedy featuring a dysfunctional family who discovers a portal to another dimension in their basement. They encounter bizarre characters, including the devil, a king, a concubine, and a floating head. The movie is filled with shocking and provocative humor, combining live-action and cutout animation.
For the Love of Benji is a heartwarming movie about a dog named Benji who finds himself caught up in a thrilling adventure to save a kidnapped child. With the help of his human friends, Benji embarks on a journey filled with danger, excitement, and unexpected twists. Will Benji be able to rescue the child and save the day? Find out in this charming family film.
A well-dressed but inebriated man decides to attend a variety show at the Palace Theatre. During the show, both he and the performers are continually harassed by a practical joke-loving boy who is sitting in a box seat near the stage. Soon the inebriated man himself begins to cause disruptions, with his overly emphatic opinions of the various acts.
When the girls on campus learn that Tom Drake is so super-shy that he never kissed a girl, they begin betting which one will kiss him first. So the girls line up to try to get their lips on him. However, in this and subsequent scenes, crazy stuff keeps happening to prevent him from getting that kiss.
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