In 'The Yankee Doodle Mouse,' Jerry the mouse and Tom the cat engage in a comedic battle filled with slapstick gags. Jerry outsmarts Tom at every turn, utilizing various objects like light bulbs, flour, and a tomato in the face. The action escalates as Jerry ties Tom to a rocket, leading to a hilarious chase sequence. The short film is a classic example of humorous and imaginative animation.
In 1935 West Virginia, a group of ex-convicts, including Stewart, Kennedy, and Knox, plan to get even with a crooked bank manager who framed Stewart for murder. Their revenge involves a series of clever heists and a train depot explosion. Along the way, they encounter dangerous henchmen, a young prostitute in jeopardy, and a brothel madam. Will they succeed in their mission, or will their past catch up with them?
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