Bhaji on the Beach is a comedy-drama movie that follows a group of Indian women from Birmingham who go on a day trip to Blackpool. As they enjoy the beach and amusement park, they also face personal challenges including domestic violence, interracial relationships, and unwanted pregnancies. Through their journey, they find strength, friendship, and self-empowerment.
Robert #1 is played by Charles Denner, while Robert #2 is played by Jacques Villeret. Beyond their common name, the two Roberts are as different as night and day. Oh, there is one more resemblance: both Roberts are lonely, and both hope to meet suitable mates through a computer dating service. As they await the arrival of their new dates, Robert et Robert become fast friends. Of the three favorite film subjects of writer/director Claude Lelouch--romance, crime, and politics--Robert et Robert falls firmly into the first category.
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