Nagi's Long Vacation follows the story of Nagi, a high school girl who experiences a series of humorous and dramatic events during her summer break. From moving to a new apartment and dealing with messy hair to navigating complicated relationships and funny mishaps, Nagi's vacation is anything but ordinary. Join her as she discovers the ups and downs of teenage life in Japan.
Every noon at exactly 12:13 a mysterious Instagram account post embarrassing photos about the students at Solængsskolen.
A married gay couple, Marc and Fred, decide to take a trip to a bed and breakfast in London. However, their peaceful getaway turns into a nightmare when they discover the host's hidden agenda and find themselves in danger. As they navigate through paranoia and moral dilemmas, the couple must confront their fears and fight for their lives.
Lulu, an old woman going through a marital breakup, decides to take a break from her life and seeks a job in Europe. Along the way, she experiences various life-changing events, including a job interview, a camping trip, an extramarital affair, and skinny-dipping. As she navigates through these experiences, Lulu reflects on her past and contemplates her future.
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