In the summer of 1962, a new kid in town named Scotty Smalls moves to Los Angeles and befriends a group of boys who play baseball at a small field known as the sandlot. Despite his lack of experience, Scotty is accepted into the group and becomes an integral part of their team. Together, they navigate various challenges and misadventures, such as getting banned from the local pool, winning a game against their arch-rival, and trying to recover a priceless baseball they accidentally lost. The film follows Scotty's journey as he learns the customs of the sandlot and forms lasting friendships, culminating in a future where he becomes a radio commentator for the Los Angeles Dodgers and his friend Benny becomes a star player on the team.
A man finds himself on trial for murder but can't remember anything about the crime. He seeks help from his defense attorney to unravel the mystery and prove his innocence.
In 1492, Bugs Bunny sails the ocean blue, as mascot for Christopher Columbus.
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