In this dark comedy, a desperate man makes a deal with the devil, granting him seven wishes in exchange for his soul. However, each wish he makes takes him down a twisted and unexpected path, teaching him valuable lessons about life and love. As he navigates through alternate realities and encounters eccentric characters, he realizes that the things he thought would make him happy are not what he truly desires. Will he find true happiness before it's too late?
The adventures of Gianna, a sexy policewoman who wants to help a child in search of his mother.
An eighteen-year-old boy is released from an institute for minors with no family support, and for the first time tastes the bittersweet flavor of freedom; an imprisoned mother longs to go back and start all over again. These are the characters taken from the real world and transferred into a film that is first of all a shadowing of human beings, of their hopes and little acts of cowardice. But it is also the story of a time of waiting, of a soul going around in circles, a coming of age in a desolate and oppressive, marginal context that becomes a character in its own right.
Dust Up is a kick ass action comedy served up by Ward Roberts and starring Amber Benson that will make you laugh, gasp and punch the person you're sitting ...
Set in the WWII era, the story tells of a boy in a small village who befriends three girls around his age. One day he discovers a young couple sneaking into an old and cracked bathing shack and decides to alert his new friends. When the kids join up at the shack, the eldest girl comes up with the idea to lock the couple inside, threatening not to let them out until they "do it" and allow the kids to watch from the outside. And so begins the psychological warfare...
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