Kon-Tiki is a thrilling movie that tells the incredible story of Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl and his audacious expedition across the Pacific Ocean in 1947. Determined to prove his theory that ancient South Americans could have populated Polynesia, Heyerdahl sets out on a perilous journey aboard a wooden raft named Kon-Tiki. As the crew face numerous challenges including shark attacks, storms, and a damaged radio, they must rely on their courage, navigation skills, and trust in each other to survive. This epic adventure tests the limits of human endurance and showcases the indomitable spirit of exploration.
Ra [also known as The Ra Expeditions] is a 1972 documentary film directed by Lennart Ehrenborg and Thor Heyerdahl about the expeditions organised by Thor Heyerdahl in 1969 and 1970 in attempt to cross the Atlantic on papyrus boats. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
Did the Peruvians cross the sea? The filming of a Norwegian archaeological expedition to the Galapagos islands in 1952, lead by Thor Heyerdahl. A continuation of the Kon-Tiki expedition.
The Tigris Expedition (1979) is a documentary film that follows the adventure and exploration of a group of adventurers on their sea expedition. Led by Thor Heyerdahl, they embark on an exciting journey to learn about new cultures and push the boundaries of human exploration. This thrilling documentary captures the challenges, triumphs, and discoveries made during this remarkable expedition.
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