In 'Hercules Unchained,' the fearless and mighty Hercules embarks on a dangerous mission to save the city of Thebes from an evil force. Along the way, he encounters mythical creatures, navigates secret passageways, and engages in epic battles against his enemies. With his superhuman strength and heroic determination, Hercules fights to restore peace and defeat the villainous forces threatening his homeland.
The god Dionysus decides to pay a visit to the city of Thebes. Dionysus wants to be the worshiped by the masses, but the kingdom is suffering a horrific drought and the king Pentheus wants instead to sacrifice a virgin to the God Demeter.
Antigone, a princess in ancient Greece, goes against the orders of the king to bury her dead brother, resulting in tragic consequences.
This classic Greek tale tells how a noble youth accidentally marries his own mother, kills his own father and ends up paying a terrible price for invoking the wrath of the Gods.
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