Paradise or Oblivion is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the concept of a utopian society and the role of technology in creating a better future. It delves into the ideas of technocracy and futurism, presenting a vision of a world where humanity can either achieve paradise or face oblivion.
Future by Design is a documentary that explores the life and ideas of futurist Jacque Fresco. It delves into his innovative designs, futuristic visions, and his relentless pursuit of a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.
The Choice Is Ours is a documentary that delves into the urgent need for a new social system that is sustainable and meets the needs of all individuals. It highlights the flaws within the current global systems and proposes innovative solutions that can create a more harmonious and equitable world.
Owned & Operated is a documentary that explores the current state of the world and its economic and social systems. It delves into topics such as ecology, the Occupy Movement, hacktivism, and activism. The film also examines concepts like the Venus Project and explores the Wall Street area of Manhattan, New York City.
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