In this adaptation of Margery Williams' classic book, 'The Velveteen Rabbit,' a shy boy named William receives a new favorite toy for Christmas. As he forms a deep bond with the toy, he discovers the power of unconditional love and embarks on a magical journey.
The Velveteen Rabbit tells the story of a stuffed rabbit who longs to become real. With the help of a young boy, the rabbit discovers the transformative power of love and imagination. Set against the backdrop of Christmas and family relationships, this heartwarming animated film is sure to inspire both children and adults.
A toy rabbit becomes real through the love and friendship he shares with a young boy. Based on the classic children's book.
A beloved toy stuffed rabbit is rescued by a fairy to be the first Easter Rabbit.
A stuffed toy rabbit yearns to become real through the love of the boy who owns him.
A sick boy's toy rabbit comes to life. Part of the Enchanted Musical Playhouse series. Marie Osmond played the part of the Velveteen Rabbit. Songs were composed by the Sherman Brothers.
When a little boy becomes very ill, his stuffed toy rabbit comes to life to help him through his difficult times. Through their bond, the rabbit learns what it means to be real and the power of love.
Using vivid clay animation, this adaptation of the classic children's book is a feast for the eyes. Although the velveteen rabbit is the favorite plaything of a young boy, the more modern, mechanical toys hold the stuffed bunny in contempt … except the rabbit's single friend, the skin horse, who has become real. As the horse explains the mystery of how to become real, a fable about the transforming power of love and imagination unfolds.
A toy rabbit yearns to become 'Real' through a child's love. Through his journey, the Velveteen Rabbit learns the mystery of Nursery Magic and becomes Real in more than one way.
The first of many film adaptations of the classic children's book by Margery Williams, this version by novice filmmaker Leonard S. Berman is a unique time capsule of live action (and puppetry?) seen by countless schoolchildren.
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