In a post-apocalyptic world, humanity is on the verge of extinction due to parasitic creatures known as Gastrea. The only hope lies in the specialized organizations known as Civil Security Agencies, equipped with Varanium weapons to fight against these creatures. Rentaro Satomi, a young boy and member of the Agency, teams up with the Enju, a cursed girl, to protect what is left of humanity.
A detective with the ability to see ghosts and a grim reaper who can't remember his past work together to solve mysterious cases and uncover the truth behind a dangerous underworld.
Gru, an agent for the Anti-Villain League, meets his long-lost twin brother Dru who wants to team up with him for a final criminal heist. Together, they must stop a former child actor turned super-villain from carrying out his revenge plan. Along the way, Gru and his family face challenges, discover the truth about their family and learn to work together.
Barbapapa is a family of blob-like creatures with the ability to transform into various shapes and objects. They go on exciting adventures and teach important life lessons to children. The series is based on a popular children's book.
Mixels are mischievous creatures who live in tribes of three. They have the ability to combine with other Mixels, either within a single tribe or cross-combining to gain another tribe's abilities. All that is needed to combine are willing Mixels and a magical square known as a cubit. The colorful creatures have to look out for Nixels, who consider themselves superior and like to destroy Mixel combinations. Major Nixel, the group's leader, throws and kicks his underlings to steal cubits.
This Black drama revolves around supernatural beings from another dimension, namely elves. This elf character with the name Black is starring Kamal Adli. Black enters the human realm by using the body of a deceased policeman (Detective Malik) to find his friend.
In a dystopian future, a young woman seeks revenge for her parents' murders by forming a pact with a demon named Sebastian. Together, they work as butler and master, solving mysteries and battling supernatural creatures.
Final Portrait is a biographical comedy-drama film that tells the story of sculptor Alberto Giacometti inviting American writer James Lord to sit for a portrait. The film is set in 1964 and explores the struggles of an artist and their relationship with the subject of their artwork.
In this avant-garde short film, a man with a leg amputation interacts with an incompetent nurse in a single location. The film explores themes of unhappiness and the color black.
A surreal short film that Lynch made for the 2008 Twin Peaks Festival. It only screened once and is in black and white. In this film, Lynch is speaking backwards in what looks to be a cross between the floors of Eraserhead and the Twin Peaks Red Room. Sitting next to him is a plastic doll with the face of Laura Palmer.
To the sound of a heartbeat and made entirely without the use of a camera, this film projects abstract forms and illuminations on a night-black background and suggests as Tambellini says, “seed black, seed black, sperm black, sperm black.”
A gang of renegade Civil War soldiers terrorize four women and the owners of an inn as they plot to kidnap the new governor of the state. If all goes according to plan, the outlaws will murder their hostage after collecting a hefty ransom.
How to Build a Dinosaur (2011) is a documentary that explores the field of paleontology and the scientific process of recreating dinosaurs. From studying fossil bones to DNA research, the film delves into the various methods used to piece together the past and potentially bring these ancient creatures back to life. Join scientists on their journey as they uncover the secrets of dinosaurs and discover the possibilities of creating living, breathing creatures that once roamed the Earth.
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