The Secret World of Arrietty is a heartwarming tale about the Clock family, who are tiny people that live unnoticed in another family's home. When teenage daughter Arrietty is discovered by a young boy named Sho, their lives take an unexpected turn. As they navigate the challenges of being exposed, the Clock family must find a new place to live with the help of an experienced Borrower named Spiller. Along the way, they discover the history of the Borrowers and the importance of family and survival. This enchanting animated film explores themes of friendship, courage, and the beauty of the natural world.
A family of tiny people, known as Borrowers, live secretly in a house and survive by borrowing items from the humans. When a full-sized human boy befriends them, they must find a way to save their home from destruction.
The Borrowers leave their new home and find a model village just the right size for them. They find George but the village's owner also finds out about the Borrowers.
The Borrowers is a heartwarming adventure comedy about a family of little people living beneath the floorboards of an old house. When their home is threatened, they must embark on a daring adventure to find a new place to live while encountering unexpected challenges along the way. As they navigate the big world, the Borrowers discover the true meaning of friendship, family, and the power of perseverance.
An eight-year-old boy discovers a family of tiny people, only a few inches tall, living beneath the floorboards of a Victorian country home.
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