Big Nothing is a dark comedy crime thriller that tells the story of Charlie, a failed writer, and Gus, a disgraced cop. When Charlie finds a way to blackmail someone, he convinces Gus to help him. However, their plan quickly spirals out of control, leading them into a world of murder, deception, and chaos. As they try to stay one step ahead of the authorities and a dangerous female serial killer, they must confront their own dark secrets and face the consequences of their actions.
The Young Poisoner's Handbook is a dark comedy based on the true story of Graham Young, a teenage boy who becomes a notorious poisoner. Set in London during the 1960s-1990s, Graham's disturbing fascination with chemistry and his social misfit tendencies lead him to poison multiple people, including his stepmother. The film explores Graham's twisted psyche and the consequences of his actions.
Inspired by True Events. When the murder of a migrant worker shakes a southwest border town to its core, the feud between a newspaper owner and the chief of police leads to the blurring of the truth and a dirty fight for justice.
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