Like Father, Like Son (2013) is a Japanese drama film that explores the theme of fatherhood and family relationships. The plot revolves around two families who discover that their six-year-old sons were swapped at birth. The film delves into the emotional journey of the two sets of parents as they navigate the complexities and challenges of raising a child who is not biologically theirs. Through this story, the film explores themes of identity, class differences, and the meaning of fatherhood.
A mother takes her two daughters to a remote island lake house for a vacation, but their trip takes a dark turn when a psychopath targets them, forcing the family to fight for their survival.
Okay, Marie is a little tired of the insouciance of her husband Sam, framework sup unemployed for 2 years. Agree, it is very tempted to be seduced by this beautiful stranger who made him the Court. Okay, there is also the daughter piano competition... If this balance light and crazy about standing, an unexpected event throws the family on an even crazier way.
Arirang (2011) is a captivating documentary film directed by Kim Ki-duk. The film portrays the director's self-imposed isolation and inner struggle through a candid and raw lens. It explores themes of loneliness, introspection, and the creative process. Kim Ki-duk takes us on a deeply personal journey as he grapples with his emotions, confronts his demons, and finds solace in the isolated wilderness. This introspective documentary offers a unique glimpse into the mind of a visionary filmmaker.
In a post-apocalyptic world, a family is forced to scavenge for supplies and defend themselves against a gang in order to survive.
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