MoviesTV ShowsThemes

Movies and TvShows featuring "tense" theme.

The White Lotus
Tv Show

The White Lotus (2021)


The White Lotus is a dark comedy anthology series set at an exotic resort, focusing on the privileged lives of the guests and the staff. The show delves into themes of white privilege, entitlement, toxic relationships, and social commentary, all within a satirical and comedic framework. The story takes place over the course of one week and follows the interactions and conflicts between various characters, including a gay protagonist, a cheating husband and wife, and a hotel employee. With its ensemble cast and intriguing plotlines, The White Lotus offers a unique and thought-provoking viewing experience.

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The Godfather

The Godfather(1972)

Top Gun: Maverick

Top Gun: Maverick(2022)


Maverick, a top naval aviator, confronts his past while leading elite graduates of TOP GUN on a mission that demands sacrifice. As he trains the group and dogfights with skeptical students, he must reconcile with his former rival, deal with a strained relationship with the son of his late friend, and face the changing landscape of crewed fighter aircraft. Maverick's leadership is tested as he devises a plan to destroy an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant, ultimately sacrificing himself to save his mentee. In the end, Maverick finds redemption as he helps his student and takes to the skies once again.

Destined with You
Tv Show

Destined with You (2023)


Follows a successful lawyer who has everything, but who is plagued by a family curse, and turns out that the one who holds the secret to breaking it is the seemingly ordinary civil servant.

The Batman

The Batman(2022)


When a sadistic serial killer begins murdering key political figures in Gotham, Batman is forced to investigate the city's hidden corruption and question his family's involvement. Alongside Lieutenant James Gordon, Batman follows the trail of the Riddler, uncovering a web of political corruption, organized crime, and personal vendettas. As the investigation intensifies, Batman must confront the darkest secrets of his own past and make difficult choices to protect Gotham City from its own dark underbelly.

The Shining

The Shining(1980)


A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where a sinister presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from both past and future. The father's mental health deteriorates rapidly, and he becomes a danger to his family. As the mother tries to protect her son, they must find a way to escape the hotel and the father's madness.

The Prestige

The Prestige(2006)



Evil Dead Rise

Evil Dead Rise(2023)


A twisted tale of two estranged sisters whose reunion is cut short by the rise of flesh-possessing demons, thrusting them into a primal battle for survival as they face the most nightmarish version of family imaginable. Cousins Teresa and Jessica, and Jessica's new boyfriend Caleb, are vacationing at a lakeside cabin when a seemingly ill Jessica scalps Teresa and decapitates Caleb before levitating above the lake. One day earlier, upset at learning she is pregnant, guitar technician Beth visits her sister Ellie, a tattoo artist and single mother to teenagers Danny and Bridget, and child Kassie, in their home at Monde Apartments, a condemned Los Angeles apartment complex. The building is shaken by an earthquake while the children are in its basement parking lot, uncovering a concealed chamber. Danny investigates it, discovering religious artifacts, three phonograph records from 1923, and a strange book that he takes up to his room, believing he could possibly sell it and use the money to help Ellie. The initial record details rejected efforts by a priest to research the book, revealed to be one of three volumes of the Naturom Demonto. The subsequent record reveals the priest continued his research in secret and recites an incantation that summons demonic entities known as Deadites. The building's power fails, and an isolated Ellie is attacked and possessed by an unseen force. She returns to the apartment in a trance, menacingly threatens her family, and dies after pleading with Beth to protect her children. Beth and Ellie's neighbors help lay her to rest in her bedroom and search for a way out. They find that the staircase has collapsed, the elevator is damaged, and they are unable to access the fire escape before Ellie revives and attacks the family, wounding Bridget. Beth and the children lock Ellie outside the apartment after she pursues and massacres the neighbors. Danny confesses to Beth about recovering the Naturom Demonto, and Ellie tricks Kassie into unlocking the door before attacking her. While Danny and Beth are distracted rescuing Kassie and locking Ellie out, Bridget becomes possessed via her wound. Bridget attacks Beth before turning on Danny and Kassie, who inadvertently impales her through the head with a broken broom handle. Beth listens to the third record to understand how to exorcise the Deadites, but learns the priest failed and his allies were all possessed, with only complete destruction of the host stopping the Deadites. Bridget revives and fatally stabs Danny, who sets Bridget on fire before dying as Ellie infiltrates the apartment using the vents. Realizing Beth is pregnant, Ellie attempts to rip the fetus out of her, but Beth and Kassie are able to incapacitate her with scissors. Ellie fails to emotionally manipulate Kassie who accepts that her mother is already gone. Danny and the bodies of the neighbors are possessed, leading Beth and Kassie to take shelter in the damaged elevator. Ellie, Bridget, and Danny merge into a multi-limbed creature known as the Marauder and climb atop the elevator to attack the pair as the machine fills with blood. The combined weight causes the elevator to plummet to the ground floor, allowing Beth and Kassie to flee into the parking lot. The Marauder captures Kassie and attempts to behead her with a chainsaw, but Beth returns and distracts it, and she and Kassie destroy the Marauder's body by forcing it into a wood chipper. Ellie's decapitated head taunts Beth, saying she will be a failure as a mother, prompting her to kick Ellie's head into the chipper. Beth and Kassie escape the building together. The next morning, Jessica goes to the parking lot to leave for her vacation, where she is attacked by an unseen force.

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