Life with Bonnie is a sitcom comedy set in Chicago, Illinois. The show revolves around Bonnie, an Irish-American TV talk show host who leads a laughter-filled life with her family, navigating the ups and downs of family relationships in the television industry.
The Glee Project is a reality TV competition that features aspiring singers auditioning for a chance to appear on the popular musical series Glee. Each week, contestants are given different challenges to showcase their singing and acting abilities, and they receive feedback from a panel of judges. The winner of the competition earns a multi-episode arc on Glee.
Parched is a thought-provoking drama set in a rural Indian village, where four women find solace and strength in each other as they navigate the challenges of a patriarchal society. Rani, Lajjo, Bijli, and Janaki are bound by tradition and societal expectations, but together they embark on a journey towards liberation and self-discovery. As they face off against misogyny, domestic violence, and child marriage, the women find support, empowerment, and a glimmer of hope for a better future. Parched explores themes of feminism, female friendship, and the fight against oppressive traditions.
When a husband and wife are sucked into their television, they find themselves in a deadly game show where they must survive various challenges and avoid being trapped forever. With the help of a cartoon mouse, they navigate through a world of hellish game shows, sword fights, and rap music videos. Along the way, they encounter a robot, a human turned into an animal, and a deal with the devil. Will they find a way back home before it's too late?
Comedian Jon Richardson presents a weekly digest of the world's wildest television, giving his take on curious headlines, hilarious clips, terrible soap opera acting and more.
Shock Treatment is a dark comedy musical that takes place in a small-town television station. It satirizes the American way of life, while also exploring themes of mental health and obsession. The story revolves around a rock band, an obsessed fan, and a television camera that causes a series of bizarre events.
W.E.B. is an American TV series that aired for less than a month on NBC in 1978.
Autumn Girl follows the journey of a talented singer and actress in 1960s Warsaw, Poland. As she rises to fame on television, she becomes entangled in a scandalous love affair and explores themes of polyamory and open marriage. The film delves into complex relationships, betrayal, and the sacrifices made for success and love.
Take a detailed look at the famed, iconic Canadian television show 'Mr. Dressup' that impacted multiple generations. Follow its 39 year presence on television and its ongoing legacy.
A witch, disgruntled by the fact that no one takes Halloween seriously anymore, decides to stir things up and disrupt the social gathering in her old house as well as turn a couple of kids who love monsters into actual monsters.
The amazing story of the animograph, a machine created in France in the sixties by the cartoonist and self-taught inventor Jean Dejoux (1922-2015), whose creation was intended to revolutionize the animation industry.
You've read the stories, you've seen the documentaries. Now see the movie that brings it all to life.
A mini-series Disney Channel started about High School Musical 2. The series included interviews from the cast and tidbits from the then upcoming movie.
The Prince of Soap is a comedy romance film about a soap opera producer who falls in love with a young woman. The producer is determined to make her a star on the show, but they encounter various obstacles and romantic rivalries along the way. As they navigate through scheming producers, amnesia-inducing accidents, and love triangles, their relationship is put to the test. Set in the backdrop of the glamorous world of television production, the film explores themes of passion, ambition, and the complexities of love.
In this feature-length documentary from 1976, Leslie Mitchell and special guests recall the birth of BBC Television forty years before.
In a retro-futuristic world that combines the best of the 80s, 90s and today, a failing content creator gets inspired by the woman from the TV.
A feckless loner, %s, finds himself at the center of a divine spectacle when he starts receiving cryptic TV broadcasts from a mysterious deity. Intrigued and curious, %s becomes enthralled by the deity's teachings, which inspire a strange and radical holy awakening within him. As %s delves deeper into this newfound spiritual journey, he grapples with questions of faith, purpose, and the nature of reality itself. Little does %s know that these broadcasts will lead him down a path filled with unexpected twists and challenges, forever changing the course of his life.%s
Documentary about K-Tel - the "As Seen on TV!" company that was hugely successful in the 1970s and 80s.