Utøya: July 22 is a gripping drama based on the horrifying true story of the 2011 Utøya Island massacre in Norway, carried out by right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik. The film follows the experiences of a young teenage girl who becomes trapped on the island during the mass shooting, as she desperately tries to survive and escape. With its powerful one-take technique, the movie provides a chilling and immersive perspective of the tragic event.
Lianna is a 1983 drama/romance movie set in New Jersey. The story revolves around Lianna, a 33-year-old woman who is married but begins to question her sexuality. She explores her feelings and embarks on a journey of self-discovery and eventual coming out as a lesbian. The movie explores themes of love, marriage problems, extramarital affairs, and female friendship.
The Secret Life: Jeffrey Dahmer is a chilling biographical movie that delves into the twisted mind of infamous serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Through a series of graphic and disturbing events, the film explores his heinous crimes and the dark secrets that lay beneath his seemingly normal facade. With a focus on the psychological torment and brutality inflicted by Dahmer, this movie is not for the faint of heart.
Outrageous! (1977) follows a female impersonator named Robin Turner who befriends a schizophrenic hairdresser named Liza Conners. The two form a close bond as they navigate the challenges of living in Toronto, Canada, and pursuing their dreams in the world of drag. The film explores themes of identity, friendship, and the struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community. The story takes a tragic turn when a former psychiatric patient Robin encountered in the hospital reappears in his life, leading to a dramatic and emotional climax.
Two sisters pontificate on the lives they could have led while observing the current guest, a listless writer, staying in their family’s vacation home in upstate New York.
As the world commences its end, a young runaway must figure out if she has chosen the right person to spend her final moments with.
A boy attends a Christmas party and has his long-held religious beliefs tested.
A deadly volcanic ash cloud. A 12 year old boy besieged by the bloodthirsty infected. When the ash falls terror rises.
A young woman at home alone at night receives a camera that shows her more than she wants to see.
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