The Road Dance follows the story of a small-town doctor who deals with the challenges and tragedies of war, loss, and love in an island community during World War I. The doctor, haunted by the death of his father, faces various hardships including rape, amnesia, and the loss of limb. Amidst it all, he finds solace in the village's dance and the support of the local community.
During World War II, a widow becomes a secret agent and joins the French Resistance to carry out dangerous missions, including acts of sabotage and espionage.
The Human Comedy follows the coming-of-age journey of a teenage boy in a small town during World War II. With the backdrop of the war, the boy experiences loss, love, and the realities of life. Through telegrams and letters, the boy becomes entwined with the lives of soldiers and their families, discovering the true meaning of bravery and resilience.
A financially-strapped mother and her children relocate from the city to a small rural town.
In order to claim his inheritance, our hero must first produce a wife and family.
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