The Inbetweeners Movie follows the misadventures of four socially troubled British youths, Will, Simon, Jay, and Neil, as they plan a holiday to Malia, Greece after finishing their final exams. Their trip quickly becomes a series of hilarious and embarrassing situations, involving awkward encounters, humiliation, and raunchy comedy. Along the way, they navigate the challenges of friendships, teenage sexuality, and self-discovery.
Claire, a writer spending the summer in the French countryside, becomes infatuated with a teenage girl who has a boyfriend. As their relationship intensifies, Claire becomes fixated on her knee, sparking a love triangle. Set against the backdrop of picturesque Lake Annecy, this dialogue-driven film explores themes of desire and sexuality.
In 1 Night, a couple deals with their relationship problems over the course of a single night. Set in a hotel, they confront issues like infidelity and marriage while trying to navigate their way through a high school prom. The story explores themes of love, trust, and the complexities of relationships.
Finding her relationship at a standstill, single mother Mel breaks up with her boyfriend. After he moves out, strange things start happening in her house that threaten her safety and well-being.
Two Blue Stripes is a drama film that follows the story of a young Indonesian couple who find themselves facing family conflict when they discover an unplanned pregnancy. The film explores themes of teen pregnancy, family relationships, and the challenges of becoming parents at a young age.
Reunited after years apart, a young couple faces a new chapter of parenthood as they navigate challenges in raising their 4-year-old son together.
Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde is a film about two teenagers, Bonnie and Clyde, who go on a crime spree, stealing cars, robbing convenience stores, and engaging in a forbidden love affair. As their crimes escalate, so does their passion, leading to a tragic end.
When a high school student is accused of killing her best friend, she must uncover the truth and clear her name while dealing with the pressure and suspicion surrounding her.
Kristen suspects her new family isn't what they seem after her mother-in-law moves in unexpectedly.
Stupid Young Heart follows the story of Lenni and Kiira, two teenagers who find themselves navigating through issues of racism, neo-Nazism, and teen pregnancy in a suburban neighborhood in Finland.
It's the last week of school in a small polish town's junior high school. Waiting for the final party, several students pass the time at a city pool, as if anticipating the emotional whirlwind they are about to experience. The action takes place somewhere in Poland, where ‘LGBT free zones’ are a reality in 2020. It’s a story about young people, their problems and romantic endeavours in the era of the Internet and social apps, when creating genuine relationships is unnaturally difficult.
A love story about two teenagers who fall in love, have a child, and escape from their families in an attempt to make life for themselves in New York City.
A modern riff of the 1889 novel by Mark Twain.
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