A troubled teenager named Emanuel forms an unexpected friendship with her new neighbor Linda, who resembles Emanuel's dead mother. As their bond deepens, Emanuel discovers the truth about Linda's past and her delusional behavior. The two embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing as they confront their shared grief and confront the consequences of their actions.
In the crime-infested streets of 1940s New York City, a police sergeant is determined to solve the murder of a man with a tattoo on his wrist. As he digs deeper, he uncovers a web of deception, romance, and corruption that takes him from the luxurious Central Park to the gritty alleys of the Bronx. With the help of his partner, a female botanist, the sergeant follows the clues and maneuvers through the dangerous world of organized crime to solve the crime and bring the killer to justice.
I Am Normal is a thought-provoking drama that delves into the intricacies of what it means to be normal in today's society. Through a series of compelling vignettes, the film invites viewers to reflect on their own perceptions of normalcy and challenges societal norms. With its poignant storytelling and powerful performances, I Am Normal is a must-watch for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of the human experience.
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