College student Haruka’s life takes a disturbing turn when a night of innocent fun turns horrific. After one friend commits suicide and another becomes possessed, Haruka reaches out to the enigmatic Yakumo Saito, a fellow student who is rumored to have psychic powers. But beneath the dubious claims surrounding Yakumo is a dark secret concerning his mysterious red eye and the souls of the dead.
Vincent Must Die is a thrilling movie about Vincent, who is inexplicably targeted and attacked. As the attacks escalate, he is forced to go on the run and completely transform his lifestyle to survive.
The Perfect Weapon is a martial arts action film about a teacher who seeks revenge against the Korean mafia after his friend is killed. He uses his karate skills to take down the crime boss and his organization.
When an amusement park is taken over by a villainous terrorist, three young ninjas must use their martial arts skills to save the day.
The movie revolves around a series of events involving rapid aging, monsters, Cthulhu, human sacrifice, occult rituals, human skulls, taser guns, caves, gypsies, mannequins, cults, tarot cards, walls of photographs, levitation, the Necronomicon, being locked in a room, H.P. Lovecraft, a kidnapped baby, and murders with an axe.
The Minion is a 1998 movie that follows the story of a detective investigating a series of murders that may be connected to an ancient evil. As he delves deeper, he discovers a terrifying secret that puts him and those around him in grave danger. With elements of action, fantasy, and horror, this movie takes the audience on an adrenaline-pumping ride.
A kidnapped musician and his missing violin are the prelude to a series of murders whose victims were deeply involved in business connections between the GDR and Austria. The investigators of SOKO Vienna and Leipzig are working together.
In the year 1997, a murder investigation takes place on a Martian colony. As tensions rise, a detective must navigate a futuristic world and a dangerous conspiracy to solve the case.
A group of best buddies do some crazy stunts and pranks this is basically a low budget Jack-Ass movie.
Nino, 19 years old, is a highway wanderer. All year, he waits for only one thing: the summer - to leave, hit the road and sleep outside. One day, at a rest area, he meets Sarah.
In a dystopian future, two loser bag-men get in over their heads smuggling illegal stem cells for black market researchers.
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