Iron & Blood: The Legend of Taras Bulba is a historical drama set in 16th century Ukraine. The story follows Taras Bulba, a fierce Cossack warrior, as he navigates love, war, and family honor. As tensions rise between Ukraine and Poland, Taras finds himself torn between his loyalty to his country and his fatherly love for his sons. With epic battles, sword fights, and a forbidden romance, Iron & Blood is a captivating tale of passion and sacrifice.
Taras Bulba is a Cossack warrior who leads his men in battles against the Russians and the Poles. The movie follows his journey of love, betrayal, and war.
During the 16th century the Cossacks and their Ukraine homeland is ruled by Poland. This is the story of the leader of the Cossacks and how his son was sent to study under the Poles to learn how to defeat them in battle. However, the son falls in love with the daughter of a Polish nobleman.
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