The Legend of 1900 tells the story of a child prodigy pianist named 1900, who was born and raised on a ship. As he grows up, 1900 becomes a renowned musician, but he struggles to leave the ship and his beloved piano behind. Set against the backdrop of the early 20th century, the film explores themes of love, music, and the power of dreams.
Frisky is a comedy about a village theatrical troupe that faces numerous obstacles, including an earthquake and a carabiniere father, in their pursuit of love and happiness.
The Children Are Watching Us tells the story of a young boy caught in the middle of a dysfunctional family. As their marriage crumbles, his parents' infidelity and constant fighting take a toll on him. With themes of betrayal, innocence, and the effects of a troubled childhood, this poignant film explores the devastating consequences of a broken family.
After she has been dumped by her boyfriend, Pauline allows her sister to take her to a palace on the Italian Riviera. Instead of savouring the delights of a carefree existence, Pauline prefers to take on the role of an amateur sleuth, convinced that a crime has been committed in the environs. She ropes a handsome lifeguard into her investigation...
Tarantella is a short animated film from 1940 that combines abstract shapes and visuals with music. It is considered to be a masterpiece of modernism and avant-garde filmmaking. The film explores the concept of visual music and showcases the creativity and innovation of abstract animation.
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