In the unnamed country of West Africa, a skilled negotiator named Carlos uncovers a web of political repression, corruption, and dark family secrets. As he navigates a dangerous landscape filled with assassinations, genocide, and illegal businesses, Carlos finds himself entangled in a web of betrayal. With the help of a mysterious woman, he must fight to protect his pregnant wife and escape the clutches of powerful adversaries.
A British hairdresser becomes infatuated with a young mute boy and enters into a passionate and dangerous affair that leads to shocking consequences.
In Hammy's Boomerang Adventure, a mischievous squirrel named Hammy and his animal friends find themselves in a series of hilarious situations as they embark on an adventure in the forest. Along the way, they encounter obstacles, have fun, and learn valuable lessons about friendship and teamwork.
During the 1980s, claims of satanic ritual abuse ran rife throughout the western world, uncovered by hypnotic therapists and perpetuated throughout the media, including high-rating television talk shows. In Demonic, filmmaker Pia Borg delves into this bizarre chapter of history, examining the elusive line between fact, fiction and the persuasive power of the media.
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