Aftermath (2012) is a gripping drama that takes place in a Polish village after the end of World War II. The story revolves around a man who discovers dark secrets and mysteries buried within the aftermath of the war. As he delves deeper into the past, he uncovers the truth about confiscated lands, anti-semitism, and hidden crimes. With stunning visuals and a powerful narrative, Aftermath explores themes of death, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Le Grand Amour (1969) is a satirical comedy that revolves around the life of a married couple, Antoine and Monique. Antoine is a high-ranking executive in a tannery, while Monique is a housewife. Their marriage is loveless and unhappy, and they both start having affairs. The movie explores themes of bourgeois life, infidelity, and the struggles of a marriage in a provincial setting.
In 'An Enemy of the People,' a doctor in a small town discovers that the water at a local health spa is contaminated. He confronts corruption and a cover-up as he tries to expose the truth, but faces resistance from the mayor and the townspeople. The doctor's dedication to the health of the community and his fight against the corrupt politicians and mob rule form the central themes of the movie.
Stephane (Victor Lanoux) is the mayor of a small village. He is also the manager of the tannery which provides the inhabitants with work. In a fit of anger, he kills his wife (Edith Scob). A judge (Jean Carmet) tries to prove his culpability, but it's not an easy task, because there is a political and social pressure.
Married couple Jock & Nora are visiting the town of Litan during Litan's Day, with its carnivalesque atmosphere. When Nora wakes that morning from dreaming the bizarre death of her husband, she sets out across town to find him and warn him. But as she does, she encounters stranger and stranger people and events erupting into a frenzy in front of her. Now, she and Jock must elude all of the impediments in their way of reaching safety on the outskirts of town.
The heir to a small-town tannery follows a young woman to the truth about his brother's death.
In a rural western town in 1890 a woman has a mute old daughter after relations with her step father, which in his need of money, wants to sell them off to a rich skin tradesman. While resisting this, the woman turns lame.
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