Concussion is a biographical drama that follows the story of Dr. Bennet Omalu, a forensic pathologist who discovers a link between football-related head injuries and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). As he tries to bring attention to this devastating condition, he faces resistance from the NFL and corporate interests. Based on a true story, Concussion sheds light on the dangerous consequences of playing football at a professional level.
A fur trapper, left for dead by his companions after being mauled by a bear, must navigate the treacherous wilderness in order to survive and seek redemption.
The Vice of Hope is a powerful drama set in Italy in the 2010s. It follows the journey of a pregnant prostitute, Maria, who finds herself caught in a web of human trafficking and drug addiction. Despite the challenges she faces, Maria clings onto hope as she fights for a better life for herself and her unborn child. With themes of mother-daughter relationships, complicated births, and the dark underbelly of society, this movie showcases the strength of the human spirit.
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