Ants in the Pants is a comedic coming-of-age film that follows the misadventures of a teenager as he navigates through his sexual awakening. With a unique blend of humor and heart, the film explores the challenges and awkward moments that come with puberty and young love. From talking to his own penis to exploring his newfound feelings for his best friend, the protagonist embarks on a journey of self-discovery that is both funny and endearing.
When Rich Johnson, a womanizer who constantly cheats on his girlfriends, wakes up one morning, he finds that his penis has taken on a life of its own. As his penis, now named Richard, starts living its own life and pursuing its dreams, Rich has to figure out how to regain control and learn valuable lessons about love, relationships, and the importance of being true to oneself.
A mature man suffers impotence with his teenage wife Dionisia. She will use a thousand and one ways for the flame of passion to rise. When her husband resorts to her own methods, Dionisia turns to her stepson for attention.
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