River is a British crime drama TV show that follows the story of John River, a brilliant police detective who is haunted by the murder victims whose cases he investigates. As he delves deeper into the criminal underworld, he starts to question his own sanity and relies on his instincts, imagination, and empathy to solve the mysteries. Along the way, he forms a deep connection with a missing teenager and experiences hallucinations that blur the line between reality and fantasy.
A successful businessman struggles with his addiction to murder as his alter ego becomes more insistent. To satisfy his urges, he kills a couple and frames it as the work of a serial killer, all while trying to protect his daughter from his dark secret. However, he soon realizes he can't control his impulses and concocts a plan to disappear. But when a blackmailer enters the picture, Brooks must make difficult choices to preserve his own freedom.
My Own Worst Enemy is a TV show about a secret agent named Edward Albright who discovers he has a split personality named Henry Spivey. Edward and Henry are polar opposites, with Edward being a family man and Henry being a ruthless government assassin. As they struggle to coexist, Edward must also navigate the dangers of being a spy and the challenges of keeping his alter ego a secret.
In Youth in Revolt, Nick Twisp (Michael Cera) is a teenage boy who falls in love with Sheeni (Portia Doubleday), a free-spirited girl. To win her over, he creates an alter ego named Francois, who is confident and rebellious. As Nick gets deeper into his double life, he must navigate through various obstacles and misadventures in order to be with the girl he loves.
In this medical drama series, a respected neurosurgeon with a dark secret struggles to control his evil alter ego, who threatens to take over his life and ruin everything he holds dear. With time running out, he must navigate a psychological duel and save himself before it's too late.
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