3rd Rock from the Sun follows the lives of a group of aliens from the planet Oatu, who are on a mission to study and observe human behavior. They disguise themselves as a human family and live in the town of Rutherford, Ohio. The show humorously explores the challenges they face in adapting to human life and their unique perspective on the world.
School Days is a dramatic and thrilling anime series that explores the intricacies of high school romance. It delves into the dark and twisted aspects of teenage love, showcasing the ups and downs, betrayals, and tragedies that unfold within a group of classmates.
After a night of partying, a man wakes up to find himself alone in a Paris apartment building. He soon discovers that the city has been overrun by zombies and must navigate the undead-infested building in order to survive.
A man named Johnny is betrayed by his best friend Mark, leading to a series of dramatic and absurd events. The movie showcases the relationships, infidelity, and strange behaviors of the characters involved.
Sickened to see his students always sleeping in class, a teacher with a colleague and an anarchist start a war against the television. They climbed on Paris roofs to coat the T.V. antennas with a special product cutting the signal reception.
At a theatre during a performance of Dangerous Liaisons, a young costume dresser is having an affair with an actor, but gets a taste of reality when the leading lady discovers her partner's infidelity.
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