In the Kingdom of Rosas, a young girl named Asha wishes on a star and gets a trouble-making star as her companion. Together, they uncover the truth about the corrupt ruler, Magnifico, who erases the memories of the citizens' wishes. They embark on a mission to recover the ungranted wishes and free the people of Rosas. With the help of her friends and the power of wishes, Asha defeats Magnifico and vows to continue granting wishes justly.
Goat Story is a surreal animated comedy set in Prague, Czechoslovakia. The story follows a talking goat and his adventures with a young girl, as they navigate through a world full of legends and fairy tales. The film combines elements of comedy, fantasy, and surrealism to tell a unique and entertaining story.
London Bridges, a fast rising Hollywood starlet, with her pampered pomeranian Latte in tow, arrives on location for "There Will Be Oil" to see that she won't be receiving the star treatment she is used to.
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