Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is a web series hosted by Jerry Seinfeld, where he invites his comedian friends to take a ride in classic cars, grab a cup of coffee, and have funny conversations.
Martín Cárcamo invites people of huge national and international relevance to his home to have a relaxed conversation, without fanfare but revealing and intimate.
Steve knows he's straight but under the water at his local swimming pool, he feels gay. Will he tell his ex-girlfriend the entire truth and what does he dream of?
Gay men and their pursuit of physical perfection. When it comes to looks and body image, gay men can be a pretty tough crowd. Men are visually programmed. And gay men have an appreciation for beauty in all aspects, whether it's other male bodies or just antiques. There's no doubt that attractiveness is key to a man's self-esteem and his impression on others, especially in gay life. The pressure to look good is even more intense in an image- driven culture where near-naked images of masculine perfection abound. Men are being objectified as never before. From super models and muscle boys, to bears and twinks to average Joes, along with experts in the business of beauty, "The Adonis Factor" is a revealing look at gay men's love or lust for all things pretty.
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