Lady Gangster is a crime drama film released in 1942. The story follows a female gangster who seeks revenge against her former gang members. As she navigates the criminal underworld, she encounters various obstacles and finds herself entangled in a web of deception and danger. With a mixture of suspense, drama, and film noir elements, Lady Gangster is a gripping tale of justice and redemption.
Despite her parents' misgivings, Brianne marries Clay, and the couple soon have a daughter. It's then that Clay begins to show the first signs that he's unhinged. When he sees Brianne innocently talking to a man, Clay shoots him dead. At first, Brianne believes that her love for her husband can prevail. But when authorities threaten to take away custody of her daughter, she learns a horrible truth about her past.
A reporter who needs cash for his son's operation is paid by a smuggler to take a murder rap.
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