Borg vs McEnroe (2017) is a biographical drama that explores the intense rivalry between tennis legends Björn Borg and John McEnroe. Set against the backdrop of the 1980 Wimbledon Championships, the film delves into the contrasting personalities and playing styles of these two iconic athletes. As the final match approaches, tensions rise and the world watches as history is made on the tennis court.
Elena is trapped in a loveless and age-discordant marriage. She hatches a plan to kill her husband and inherit his wealth. The plot takes a sinister twist as Elena's actions lead to unexpected consequences.
Film (1965) is a silent short film that explores themes of loneliness and perception. The film follows an old woman in a room as she reflects on her life. Through a series of dream-like sequences, the film delves into the inner workings of the woman's mind and her perception of reality. The film is shot in black and white, adding to its atmospheric and introspective tone. It is a poignant exploration of human emotions and the fragility of perception.
Amor de hombre (1997) is a heartwarming comedy drama that explores themes of love and friendship. The story revolves around a group of friends who navigate through various challenges and experiences, including coming out, infidelity, and self-discovery. With humor and wit, the film delves into the complexities of relationships and the importance of embracing one's true self.
Patsy tries to stay with Thelma at the hospital where she works, but Thelma is forced to pretend that Patsy is a patient.
After an elderly hospital patient dies, a nurse tries unsuccessfully to contact the next of kin. Later, a social worker continues the effort but finds only the neighbor who was feeding the patient’s dogs. A county investigator fails to locate any relatives and ultimately must process the belongings in the decedent’s home. Meanwhile, we follow a frail man’s discharge from the hospital and an older woman’s day spent running errands and trying to stay cool during a heat wave.
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