Lean On Me is a drama based on a true story that revolves around the life of a dedicated teacher named Joe Clark. Clark takes over a troubled inner-city high school and faces various challenges, including drug dealing, violence, and an unfair dismissal. He fights against these issues, demanding explanations from the school board and taking further action to improve the school. Along the way, he forms a strong bond with the students, addressing class differences and teen pregnancy. The movie also highlights the role of media coverage, urban decay, and the presence of gangs in schools. Clark's determination and efforts to bring positive change to the school make Lean On Me an inspiring tale of hope and resilience.
When a shy and bullied teenager discovers that he has the power to become invisible, he uses his newfound ability to stand up to bullies and fight against criminals. Along the way, he must learn to navigate his powers and come to terms with his own identity.
After being brutally attacked and left for dead, a woman seeks revenge on her attackers and the corrupt system that failed her.
A dysfunctional husband-wife relationship is further complicated when they hire a devious nanny. As the nanny's behavior becomes increasingly dangerous, the family must confront the truth and take action.
A young girl is kidnapped and molested by a classmate's father. The man she identifies is arrested and jailed, but is later released on bail. He calls the girl's mother and threatens to kidnap her daughter again, and this time kill her and make sure her body will never be found. She goes to the authorities for help, but there's nothing they can do until he actually tries something. Afraid for her daughter's life, the mother decides to take matters into her own hands.
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