In This Corner of the World is a poignant and beautiful animated film that follows the life of Suzu, a young woman living in Hiroshima during World War II. As she navigates the challenges and hardships of war, Suzu finds strength in her family, love, and her passion for art.
A young man from a wealthy family in New York City finds himself in danger after his father's past catches up with him, forcing him to go on the run with his mother. They must navigate the dangerous world of organized crime and face their own demons along the way.
In this WWII short training film, a Japanese sniper, who has just been captured by an American soldier, explains how easy it was to pick off ten troops from the G.I. platoon, due to mistakes they, themselves, had made.
In This Corner (and Other Corners) of the World is a heartwarming and emotional anime film that tells the story of a young Japanese woman, Suzu, as she navigates the challenges and hardships of living during World War II. The film explores themes of love, family, and the resilience of the human spirit.
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