In this comedic and surreal animated short, Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse engage in a fencing lesson with hilarious results. Tom, the eager student, is constantly getting into comedic situations with props like a letter, a cork, a barrel, and a puddle. The short is filled with slapstick humor and absurdity, making it an entertaining watch for both children and adults.
Bugs is provoked by a pack of foxhounds and their hunters stampeding over his hole, so he gets out his Halloween costume from last year (a fox suit) and sets out to lead the dogs on a merry chase. The stupidest of the dogs, whose objective is to cut a fox's tail off, becomes his main victim; Bugs tricks him into chasing a train instead. He eventually tricks the dog pack into running off a cliff, but the stupid dog ends up with Bugs' tail.
Wile E. Coyote's latest misbegotten Road Runner-catching schemes include a propeller-powered backpack...
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