In the picturesque island of Crete, a stranger and a woman become entangled in a family feud between rival families. As they navigate through dances, parties, and a fishing net secret, they discover the true meaning of love and reconciliation.
Eleana is a prostitute who appears to have been abused when she was younger. During her daily encounters with various clients, she meets a young labourer called Christos whom she momentarily tries to develop a normal relationship with. Old habits die hard and she soon hits the streets again but it's too late, Christos has become infatuated with Eleana and plans to marry her. Gradually, the pressure and stress of the situation starts to take it's toll on Eleana's sanity and leads to a surreal, nightmarish climax!
A hopeful Miss Europe 1966 and her girlfriends fall for an aircraftman and his friends. To be together, they take advantage of their commander's adoration for the famous actress, Rena Vlahopoulou. Who says no to a rendezvous with love?
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