A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.
The heirs of two Cypriot winemakers and sworn rivals visit incognito the city of Paphos to flee from two arranged marriages of convenience, only to meet and fall in love. Is this a star-crossed affair in the likes of Romeo and Juliet?
As Percy, the cat, is chasing Little Roquefort, the mouse, a small pussycat appears at the front door, and Percy tries to make it an ally. However, the playful pussy likes Roquefort as a playmate, and they team up against Percy. Finally, Percy's mistress, givers his bed to the newcomer, and he shares it with his newly-acquired mouse friend.
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