In a land of magic and knights, a young woman named Kayley embarks on a dangerous and epic quest to retrieve Excalibur, the magical sword of King Arthur. With the help of a blind hermit and a two-headed dragon, she faces battles, betrayal, and a vengeful villain who seeks to destroy Camelot. Will Kayley succeed in her mission and save the kingdom?
When a 12-year-old boy pulls Excalibur from a stone, he is thrust into a centuries-old battle between good and evil. With the help of Merlin, he must unite his friends and fellow knights to defeat the malevolent enchantress Morgana.
Bugs find himself in Camelot and is mistaken for a "dwagon" by Sir Elmer of Fudde.
Sandy, a young girl from California, goes on a hilarious and musical journey through Disneyland in Los Angeles, California.
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