Alpine Fire is a drama film released in 1985. It revolves around a young man who experiences a series of hardships and challenges in a Swiss mountain village after the death of his parents. The film explores themes of self-identity, existential loneliness, and sexual identity. It delves into the protagonist's journey of coming-of-age and his search for meaning in life.
A private detective named Aloys receives a case involving surveillance footage. As he becomes obsessed with a mysterious woman, he starts to lose touch with reality. His journey of obsession and self-discovery leads him into a world of secrets and illusions.
When Leila discovers at her sister Amanda's wedding that the latter is pregnant, she promptly reveals the carefully guarded secret. While the guests are happy, Amanda worries about her career and Leila about her fertility. Panic-stricken, Leila sets herself a goal: get pregnant! So together with her friend Sophie she throws herself into the nightlife. Sophie is more concerned with the search for babysitters and probably won't snatch a man from her.
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