My King (2015) is a drama film that follows a woman named Tony as she reflects on her tumultuous relationship with her ex-husband, Georgio. The movie explores the ups and downs of their relationship, from their passionate love affair to the toxic dynamics that ultimately led to their separation. Tony struggles with Georgio's narcissistic personality disorder and his manipulative behavior, which has a profound impact on her physical and emotional well-being. Through therapy and self-reflection, Tony comes to terms with the fact that she was in an unhealthy and abusive relationship.
A teenage boy, named Donal, develops a deep bond with his greyhound and together they navigate the world of greyhound racing in Ireland. Donal faces various challenges including teaching someone how to drive, dealing with Irish politics, and learning about swim therapy. Along the way, he encounters hidden weapons, sabotaged races, and confrontations. Despite the obstacles, Donal and his greyhound strive to become race winners.
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