The Trouble with Girls is a comedy movie set in a small town in the 1920s. It follows the story of a small-town sheriff who faces various challenges, including dealing with alcoholic behavior, organizing a talent show, and addressing workers' rights. The movie also explores themes of friendship, justice, and romance.
Klown Forever follows the hilarious misadventures of Frank and Casper as they embark on a journey to the United States. Along the way, they encounter various absurd situations involving a baby carriage, a Hollywood sign, sex with a nanny, a swimming pool, a book publisher, and more. Their friendship is put to the test as they navigate through unexpected obstacles and hilarious mishaps.
Pēteris doesn’t get a chance to go pee before the start of the closing race of the semester’s swimming lessons, but he lacks the courage to back out of such a pressure-filled situation. It gets even worse when Pēteris learns that a red spot appears when pool water comes in contact with urine. In facing such a hardship, the boy must become a man.
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