During World War II, a British sergeant-major is assigned to a military prison in Libya, where he faces challenges such as sadistic wardens, prisoner abuse, and extreme heat in the Sahara Desert.
During World War II, a British army major finds himself in a moral dilemma as he leads his brigade against Japanese soldiers in the Burmese jungle. The major must navigate the challenges of warfare, including ambushes, imprisonment, and the ethical complexities of war crimes. As the conflict unfolds, the major grapples with questions of morality and the consequences of his actions, all while trying to survive in the harsh jungle environment.
Crusading newspaperman Cliff Roberts masquerades as a prison guard to document inhuman conditions.
Sounds Good to Me: Remastering 'The Sting' is a comedic short film that follows a sound man as he fakes a phone call to avoid confrontation, all while dealing with a sweat stain that threatens his job. With clever humor and a nod to the classic film 'The Sting,' this comedy is sure to keep you entertained.
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